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October 27, 2013
Dad Holding Family

This is Eric Willie, Associate Professor of Percussion at Tennessee Tech University. The photo was taken in my studio the day he picked up his wife's surprise birthday gift. It was also the first time that we met as all our contact had been by email. Rebecca, Aiden, and Elina, you are a beautiful family, and I hope Dad will bring you all out to the farm for a visit. 

October 10, 2013
Dawn Whitelaw Plein Air Workshop

Dawn Whitelaw, a nationally-known artist and workshop teacher, honored a dozen plein air painters by coming to my home to conduct a workshop. We were young and old, beginning plein air artists, and more advanced plein air artists, having a never-to-be-forgotten experience with Dawn. She was so encouraging and inspiring in her instruction!!! Mother Nature smiled on us, and it was a special day.

October 09, 2013
Jim Bos guru

Jim is laughing at me trying to learn to edit my website. He's a pretty good teacher with what he has to work with. Bye for now.
